Ergebnisliste für GND-ID= "DE-588 100970966"; Sortiert nach: Jahr, dann Urheber

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# Urheber Titel Jahr Bestand
Muqammiṣ, Dāwūd Ibn-Marwān al-, ca. 1. Hälfte 9. Jh. Twenty chapters / Dāwūd ibn Marwān al-Muqammas ; transliterated into Arabic characters, with a parallel English translation, notes, and introduction, by Sarah Stroumsa. - First edition. - (Library of Judeo-Arabic literature) 

Muqammiṣ, Dāwūd Ibn-Marwān al-, ca. 1. Hälfte 9. Jh. Twenty chapters / Dāwūd ibn Marwān Al-Muqammis. Ed., transl. and annotates by Sarah Stroumsa. - (Etudes sur le jusaïsme médiéval ; Tom. 13) 

1989  211 PB: Erzb. Akad. B
Muqammiṣ, Dāwūd Ibn-Marwān al-, ca. 1. Hälfte 9. Jh. Dāwūd Ibn Marwān al-Muqammiṣ’s Twenty chapters / ed., transl. and annotated by Sarah Stroumsa. - (Etudes sur le judaïsme médiéval ; 13) 

1989  Walb 1 Bornheim: B St.Albert

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