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# Urheber Titel Jahr Bestand
Baglin, A. [Verfasser] I.1 The general framework [Online-Ressource]

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2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Baglin, A. [Verfasser] I.3 The CoRoT story [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Baglin, A. [Verfasser] II.1 The CoRoT observations [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Barros, S. C. C. [Verfasser] III.2 Activity modelling and impact on planet’s parameters [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Baudin, F. [Verfasser] IV.3 The wealth of stellar variability [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Borucki, W. [Verfasser] I.5 In the United States: the long way to Kepler [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Chaintreuil, S. [Verfasser] II.5 Where to find the CoRoT data? [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Chaintreuil, S. [Verfasser] II.4 The "ready to use" CoRoT data [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Csizmadia, Sz [Verfasser] III.6 Exploration of the brown dwarf regime around solar-like stars by CoRoT [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Damiani, C. [Verfasser] III.5 Stellar classification in CoRoT faint stars fields [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Deleuil, M. [Verfasser] III.1 Transit features detected by the CoRoT/Exoplanet Science Team [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Ferraz-Mello, S. [Verfasser] III.9-2 Tidal evolution of CoRoT massive planets and brown dwarfs and of their host stars [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Fridlund, M. [Verfasser] I.2 Seeds take root in Europe [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Fridlund, M. [Verfasser] III.4 CoRoT planet host stars [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Grotsch-Noels, A. [Verfasser] IV.1 Insights on the internal structure of stars as provided by seismology [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Guenther, E. W. [Verfasser] III.7 Planets orbiting stars more massive than the Sun [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Guillot, T. [Verfasser] III.3 CoRoT’s planets: A family portrait [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Guterman, P. [Verfasser] II.3 Exposure based algorithm for removing systematics out of the CoRoT light curves [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Hatzes, A. P. [Verfasser] V.3 Present and future space missions for ultra-precision photometry [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz
Lam-Trong, T. [Verfasser] V.1 Lessons learned from CoRoT [Online-Ressource]

URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: download the publication
URL: ; Bemk.: DOAB: description of the publication

2016  1105 Remagen: HSB Koblenz

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