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# Urheber Titel Jahr Bestand

A catalogue of canon and Roman law manuscripts in the Vatican Library: 1 Codices Vaticani Latini 541 - 2299. - Rist. anastatica. - (... ; 322) 

1991  Tr 2 TR: B Priesterseminar
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana A catalogue of canon and Roman law manuscripts in the Vatican Library: 1 Codices Vaticani latini 541 - 2299. - (... ; 322) 

1986  107 SP: PLB Speyer

A catalogue of canon and Roman law manuscripts in the Vatican Library: 1 Codices Vaticani latini 541 - 2299. - (Studi e testi / Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana ; 322) 

1986  Kn 28 K: Erzb. Diöz.- u. DomB

A catalogue of canon and Roman law manuscripts in the Vatican Library: 1 Codices Vaticani Latini 541 - 2299. - (Studi e testi / Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana ; 322) 

1986  Kn 28 K: Erzb. Diöz.- u. DomB

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